If you chose to upgrade your homeit Kit with a CE106 Motorised Lock, then you've made an excellent choice that unites safety and functionality. Because this lock has its own integrated electronic controller, the connection to the homeit Box is different from other locking devices.

To connect the CE106 Motorised Lock to the homeit Box, please follow these steps:

  • Connecting to the lock
    1. Take off the lid with the help of a small PHILLIPS screwdriver.
    2. Locate the ORANGE connection terminal.
    3. Connect 3 wires as shown in the picture.
      • L+: white wire
      • L-: Black wire (shunt)
      • - (negative): Black wire
      • + (positive): Red wire
  • Plug the terminal back into the lock terminal socket.

  • Connecting to the homeit Box
    1. Connect 3 wires according to the picture below, to the following terminals:
      • GND: Black wire
      • 12V: Red wire
      • Flat: White wire (next to the RED WIRE)

After the lock is connected as shown above, an LED indicator light will turn on and you will hear an beeping sound. You can now test, and then, if everything is working properly, put the lid back on the lock. The next video shows how the lock works when properly connected:

ATTENTION: If the lock starts beeping and doesn't lock when you close the door, then it is likely that the lock and the strike piece are not well aligned. You will have to make adjustments to the fitting, to correct the alignment.

Finally, you just need to configure the Door appropriately.

  1. Access the homeit Fitter App: https://fitter.homeit.io
  2. Login with your user account credentials.
  3. After activating the homeit Box, go to the Doors section.
  4. Locate the Door you want to configure and click on the Door name to access the configuration page.
  5. Select 'FLAT' and '1 SEC'. Don't forget to select 'Keypad' if you are installing one!
  6. Click on 'Guardar'.

That's it! Your lock should now be up and running.

Good lock! ;)